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How can I create a new email in Willdesk?
How can I create a new email in Willdesk?

We support sending emails directly in Willdesk! 

To create a new email, please kindly check the following information for your reference:

Click "New Conversation" → Fill in email addresses → Complete email subject and contents  Click "Send".

Additional information:

  • Email sender “From: ": You can select one of your integrated emails to send it.
  • Email receiver ”To: “: You can type in the receiver's email address. If you are answering a customer, our system will automatically match your customer address in this part.
  • Email copy ”CC: ": You can type in the copy email address and click "enter" to confirm, so that you can copy this email to all members related.

To enrich email content, you can refer to the bottom left of the email, where you can add Macros, send FAQs, add emojis and images, attach files, add Shopify products, and add links. Kindly check the screenshot below for your reference.

In addition, you can click "" on the top right of the input box to expand or collapse email styles.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you!

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