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How is the order tracker quota calculated?
How is the order tracker quota calculated?

If you are neither integrated with Parcel Panel app nor TrackingMore app in Shopify, only orders with tracking numbers that are earlier than 30 days and new orders when you enable the order track function will be calculated.

If you have installed both Willdesk and Parcel Panel / TrackingMore in Shopify, the logistics data of the C-end widget will obtain the logistics data of Parcel Panel / TrackingMore by default. Meanwhile, Willdesk will not repeatedly calculate the order track quota for logistics inquiries from Parcel Panel / TrackingMore.

When Parcel Panel / TrackingMore fails to get an order track result, or when you are out of tracking quota in Parcel Panel / TrackingMore, Willdesk will try to track the order for you, which will be calculated once you search the order.

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Integration with TrackingMore - Order Tracking
Integration with Parcel Panel Order Tracking
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