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How to add an email signature?
How to add an email signature?

How to add an email signature?

1. Step 1: To add an email signature in Willdesk, please refer to Live Chat → Email

2. Step 2: Click Edit button under Email signature

3. Step 3: Enable signature > Click Save.

Customization Options

  • Add Links and Images: Use the link and image icons to include a hyperlink to your website and showcase your logo or personal image.
  • Dynamic Information: Click "" to insert dynamic fields such as the agent's name or workspace name. These details will be auto-filled in your email signature.

What are the advantages of customizing an email signature?

1. Professionalism: 🎩✨ A customized email signature gives a professional touch to your emails and presents a polished image to recipients.
2. Branding: 🌟🏢 By incorporating your logo, brand colors, and consistent visual elements, you can reinforce your brand identity and increase brand recognition.
3. Contact Information: 📞📧 A customized email signature allows you to include your contact details, making it easy for recipients to get in touch with you or your business.
4. Marketing Opportunities: 📢💼 You can leverage your email signature to promote products, services, or upcoming events by adding banners, taglines, or call-to-action buttons.
5. Social Media Presence: 💻🌐 If you use social media for professional purposes, including social media icons and links in your signature can help expand your online presence and connect with recipients on different platforms.

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