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How to complete WhatsApp Integration?
How to complete WhatsApp Integration?

Willdesk currently integrates the WhatsApp Business API account. A WhatsApp Business API account needs to be applied for and reviewed by Meta official.  WhatsApp Business API accounts that are not enterprise-certified can only use a limited number of 250 conversations.

How to finish WhatsApp Integration?

1. Step 1, please go to App store > WhatsApp

2. Step 2, click Connect WhatsApp Business button to enter the integration process.

3. Step 3, select the Facebook account to log in.

4. Step 4, please get started to connect your account.

5. Step 5, create or select an existing Business account.

6. Step 6, please create or select a WhatsApp business number.

7. Step 7, please complete WhatsApp business account information settings, follow the steps to integrate WhatsApp.

After following the process, the integrated WhatsApp information will be displayed on the interface:

After integration, you can send and receive WhatsApp messages in the inbox list.


1. One Meta Bussiness Suite can only create 2 WhatsApp business accounts (WABA).
2. One WhatsApp business account (WABA) can only integrate 2 WhatsApp mobile numbers by default in the initial stage. If you need to integrate more mobile numbers, you need to apply with the Meta official.

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