For organizations using the WhatsApp Business API, the method to delete a WhatsApp Business API account differs. Companies need to downgrade their WhatsApp Business API number through their WhatsApp Business Solution Provider.
If you are utilizing the WhatsApp Business API and wish to revert to the standard WhatsApp Business, you can downgrade the number in Facebook Business Manager. This process involves more than simply uninstalling the WhatsApp or WhatsApp Business application.
Note: The API cannot be deleted within 30 days after the last paid message is sent. Once the number is deleted, it can be used in the regular WhatsApp application or re-registered in the WhatsApp API.
How to downgrade WhatsApp Business API Number?
The process of downgrading WhatsApp Business API number is different from deleting WhatsApp/ WhatsApp Business App.
To downgrade your WhatsApp Business API number to normal WhatsApp, follow the below 👇
1. Step 1: Go to your Facebook Business Manager.
2. Step 2: Open Business Settings & choose WhatsApp Accounts from the left panel
3. Step 3: If you have multiple WhatsApp Business API accounts, select the one you want to downgrade.
4. Step 4: Go to 'Settings' & scroll down & click on 'WhatsApp Manager'.
5. Step 5: Click on 'Account Tools' & choose 'Phone Numbers'.
6. Step 6: Click the trash bucket icon to downgrade your WhatsApp Business API Account.
After downgrading, wait for a few minutes & log in to your WhatsApp/ WhatsApp Business App.
Note: Downgrading your WhatsApp Business Account is now a Reversible process. You can re-create a WhatsApp Business API account using the same phone number. But, you'll permanently lose all data including messages, contacts & more stored in the WhatsApp Business API account.
When a contact number is registered through the WhatsApp Business API, it may no longer be available for use with the basic WhatsApp Business application. If one of the applications is downgraded, the number must remain unused for 30 days. If the phone number is not used within this period, deleting the WhatsApp Business API number becomes simple: click the "trash bin" icon on the WhatsApp numbers page in your Meta Business account.
This article will assist you in downgrading a WhatsApp Business API number. Before deactivating WhatsApp services, make sure to review its terms and conditions. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us!