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How to integrate Aliyun Enterprise into Willdesk inbox?
How to integrate Aliyun Enterprise into Willdesk inbox?

1. Step 1: Please kindly log in your Aliyun Enterprise email address, and go to Settings → Account Security.

a: Enable the"Third-Party Client Security Password" button and click "Generate New Password".

b: Copy the "Generate Client-specific Secruity Password".

2. Step 2: Please kindly refer to App storeEmailAdd an email → Choose Aliyun Enterprise.

3. Step 3: Fill in your Email information.

a: Enter the name.

c: Insert the Aliyun Enterprise email address.

d: Paste the "Generate Client-specific Secruity Password" as the authorization code.

e: Check Email server (IMAP/SMTP).

f: Click [Connect]

4. Step 4: Check the email integration situation: your Aliyun Enterprise email address is successfully integrated with Willdesk.


If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!

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