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Integration with Dropshipman: Easy Dropshipping
Integration with Dropshipman: Easy Dropshipping

Willdesk integrates with Trackingmore API by default, and also integrates with Dropshipman: Easy Dropshipping on Shopify, allowing direct users to query order logistics information in real-time on the Willdesk widget to reduce customer service workload.

Meanwhile, the customer service team can also obtain the user's order information on Willdesk's Inbox interface, allowing customer service to quickly obtain comprehensive user information and quickly handle user issues.

Integration method:

To integrate your store Willdesk with Dropshipman: Easy Dropshipping, please install Dropshipman: Easy Dropshipping first and have a Dropshipman Plus plan. As a result, the logistics information queried on the Willdesk pendant and the logistics information obtained on the Willdesk inbox will obtain Dropshipman's logistics data by default. 

Willdesk will not deduct the order quota from the order track again. If and only if Dropshipman CANNOT query the data, the order quota will be deducted from Willdesk for logistics query.

Order Tracking

 Please go to App store ->All Apps -> Live Chat.

Then go to Visibility -> Enable the order track button. 

You may switch the position and choose the priority of the order track display on the widget by clicking the icon.

Logistics information displayed on Willdesk Live Chat widget:

Logistics information displayed on Willdesk inbox:


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