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How widget Email Us works in Willdesk?
How widget Email Us works in Willdesk?

"Email Us" Widget Function Overview

The "Email Us" widget function allows customers to send messages directly through the widget in an email format.

Key Features:

1. Customer Interaction: Customers can fill out their message and contact information via the widget.

2. Message Delivery: These messages will be sent to your Willdesk inbox as emails, including the customer's email address.

3. Information Collection: Willdesk automatically collects the customer's details and includes them in the conversation history.

4. Email Replies: You can reply to customers directly through email from the Willdesk inbox.

How to set up the widget Email Us?

1. Step 1: Navigate to App Store → Live Chat.

2. Step 2: Select "Email Us" to display on the widget and click "Save Changes".

  • Once enabled, customer emails will appear directly in your inbox.

3. And you can reply through your integrated email.

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