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Email Integration
Email Integration
How to integrate Gmail with Willdesk inbox ?
A: Input Gmail information FirstPease go to Settings → Email → Choose Gmail and click Integration Then, input your name and Gmail address, and check Email server (IMAP/SMTP).B: Turn on the 2-step verification Click Avatar- Manage Your Google Account - Security- Click Two-Step Verification. Follow the prompts to turn on the two-step verification.C: Add app passwords Go back to Manage your Google account - Security - App passwords and follow the guidance to add app passwords.❗️PS: If you can't find App password in this step, please refer to Step G directly 👇👇D: Enable Gmail POP/IMAPGo back to the Gmail page, click the [Settings] icon - [See All Settings] - click [Forwarding and POP/IMAP] - [Enable IMAP] - click [Save] to change.E: Input Email authorization codeInput the verification code, which is the long auto-generated password just copied. F: Complete the integrationYour Gmail address is successfully integrated into the Willdesk inbox. You are able to manage your Gmail message inside the Willdesk inbox.G. Setup App Password by LinkIf you can't locate the option for generating an App Password in your Google Account after enabling two-step verification, please click on the following link to obtain an authorization code: logging in, please enter the App name "Willdesk".This App password would be your email authorization code, please copy it and fill in:And your Gmail account will be successfully integrated with Willdesk.You may also click this link and check the video as a reference 👇: :If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to Set Up the Email Address of the Sender?
Setting up the correct sender email address is crucial for ensuring that your emails are delivered properly and appear professional. In live chat and email conversations, the sender's email address plays a key role in ensuring smooth communication. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to set up your sender email address.Sender Email for Live Chat ConversationsIn live chat conversations, the sender email address is determined by the default email set in your Shopify integration settings. You can select from any of your integrated email accounts to ensure that all live chat messages are sent from the appropriate email address.How to Set the Default Sender Email for Live Chat:Go to your Shopify integration settings in Willdesk.2. Choose the email account you want to use as the default sender for live chat.3. Save the settings to apply the changes.Once set, all live chat messages will be sent using the selected default email address.Sender Email for Email ConversationsFor email conversations, the process works differently. When a recipient responds to an email, their response will come from the email address that was used as the recipient's default. However, in Willdesk, you have the flexibility to manually change the sender email address for email conversations. This is helpful when you need to ensure that replies come from a specific email address or department.How to Manually Change the Sender Email for Email Conversations:Navigate to the email conversation you want to modify.Look for the option to edit the sender address (this may appear as a pencil icon or an "Edit" option). Choose the desired sender email address from your integrated accounts.Save the changes to update the sender's email for the ongoing conversation.By doing this, you can control the sender's email address even for ongoing email exchanges.Not satisfied with this page? Please contact us for more customizations!
Email Marketing App Integration
Willdesk integrates with Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Privy, SMSBump, Shopify Email, etc. by default.After integration, Willdesk user information in Customers can be automatically synchronized to the Shopify store. Klaviyo, Mailchimp, Privy, SMSBump, and Shopify Email can automatically synchronize user information data from Shopify stores.User data synchronized from Willdesk will be labeled "Customer imported from Willdesk"
How to add an email signature?
How to add an email signature?1. Step 1: To add an email signature in Willdesk, please refer to Live Chat → Email 2. Step 2: Click Edit button under Email signature3. Step 3: Enable signature > Click Save.Customization OptionsAdd Links and Images: Use the link and image icons to include a hyperlink to your website and showcase your logo or personal image.Dynamic Information: Click "" to insert dynamic fields such as the agent's name or workspace name. These details will be auto-filled in your email signature.What are the advantages of customizing an email signature?1. Professionalism: 🎩✨ A customized email signature gives a professional touch to your emails and presents a polished image to recipients.2. Branding: 🌟🏢 By incorporating your logo, brand colors, and consistent visual elements, you can reinforce your brand identity and increase brand recognition.3. Contact Information: 📞📧 A customized email signature allows you to include your contact details, making it easy for recipients to get in touch with you or your business.4. Marketing Opportunities: 📢💼 You can leverage your email signature to promote products, services, or upcoming events by adding banners, taglines, or call-to-action buttons.5. Social Media Presence: 💻🌐 If you use social media for professional purposes, including social media icons and links in your signature can help expand your online presence and connect with recipients on different platforms.
How to integrate Godaddy into Willdesk inbox?
1. Step 1: Go to the App store → Email.2. Step 2: Click Add an Email.3. Step 3: Choose Godaddy.4. Step 4: Complete your email information.a: Enter "Name on email replies".b: Enter Godaddy email address.c: Enter your Godaddy email password.d: Choose your Godaddy email address server, then the IMAP/SMTP parameter will be displayed automatically.Then your Godaddy email address will be integrated with Willdesk successfully.ATTENTION :1. If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!2. Before integration, please help verify if your email address refers to GoDaddy or Microsoft 365 Email Account.If your email address is from GoDaddy, you need to input your GoDaddy Email Account password and finish the integration.If your email address is from GoDaddy Partnership Microsoft 365 Email Account, please kindly note that we are currently supporting integrating this kind of email account in our APP.3. If your email account is from GoDaddy, you can find it in the screenshot below, a kind reminder here.
How widget Email Us works in Willdesk?
"Email Us" Widget Function OverviewThe "Email Us" widget function allows customers to send messages directly through the widget in an email format.Key Features:1. Customer Interaction: Customers can fill out their message and contact information via the widget.2. Message Delivery: These messages will be sent to your Willdesk inbox as emails, including the customer's email address.3. Information Collection: Willdesk automatically collects the customer's details and includes them in the conversation history.4. Email Replies: You can reply to customers directly through email from the Willdesk inbox.How to set up the widget Email Us?1. Step 1: Navigate to App Store → Live Chat.2. Step 2: Select "Email Us" to display on the widget and click "Save Changes".Once enabled, customer emails will appear directly in your inbox.3. And you can reply through your integrated email.
How to integrate iCloud into Willdesk inbox?
Ⅰ. Please kindly log into your Apple ID account. a: Click Sign-in and Security, and then click App-Specific Passwords.b: Think of a name for integration.c: Copy the generated App-Specific Password and click "Done".Ⅱ. Kindly go to the Willdesk backend -> App Store -> Email -> Add Email and Choose iCloud. a: Choose the "iCloud" provider.b: Enter the name.c: Enter your iCloud email address.d: Paste the "App-specific Password" here.e: Click "connect”. Ⅲ: The iCloud email address successfully integrated with Willdesk. ATTENTION:If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to integrate other email providers with Willdesk?
If you want to integrate your other email providers into Willdesk inbox those are emails that have not been mentioned in our email providers, please kindly check the IMAP/SMTP parameter by yourself. If you can't get the parameter, please ask our customer service for help. 1. Step 1: Please go to App store → Email.2. Step 2: Click Add an Email.3. Step 3: Select Others.4. Step 4: Please fill in your email information, including the sender's name, Email address, Email password, as well as the Email IMAP and Email SMTP. ATTENTION:If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!
How to integrate Outlook to Willdesk inbox?
1. Step 1: Go to the App store → Email.2. Step 2: Click Add an Email.3. Step 3: Choose Microsoft 365/Outlook.4. Step 4: Input your Email name and Email address, and click Connect.5. Step 5: Sign in your email account6. Step 6: After signing in, your Outlook email is successfully integrated into the Willdesk. You are able to manage your email message inside Willdesk inbox.7. Step 7: You are able to manage your email messages inside Willdesk inbox.PS: If it can be sent and received normally, there is no need to perform the next steps ;If you are prompted that the account password is incorrect or the status shows "Failed", you need to verify your Microsoft account and turn on Two-step verification. Please refer to the following steps to re-integrate: a: Kindly go to My Microsoft account → Security ( and click "Turn on" to enable Two-step verification.b: Choose a way to verify.( It is more recommended to take "email address" or "phone number" to verify.)c: Enter the code and copy the generated Two-step verification code.d: Paste the code at Willdesk backend and to re-integrate with Outlook.ATTENTION :If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to integrate Aliyun Enterprise into Willdesk inbox?
1. Step 1: Please kindly log in your Aliyun Enterprise email address, and go to Settings → Account Security. a: Enable the"Third-Party Client Security Password" button and click "Generate New Password". b: Copy the "Generate Client-specific Secruity Password".2. Step 2: Please kindly refer to App store → Email → Add an email → Choose Aliyun Enterprise.3. Step 3: Fill in your Email information. a: Enter the name. c: Insert the Aliyun Enterprise email address. d: Paste the "Generate Client-specific Secruity Password" as the authorization code. e: Check Email server (IMAP/SMTP). f: Click [Connect]4. Step 4: Check the email integration situation: your Aliyun Enterprise email address is successfully integrated with Willdesk. ATTENTION :If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
如何在Willdesk中集成腾讯企业邮箱?/ How to integrate Tencent enterprise with Willdesk?
请参考以下详细操作步骤集成腾讯企业邮箱:1. 打开 Willdesk → 前往 App store→ 点击 Email→ 选择 Add an email2. 在邮箱列表中,选择 Tecent Enterprise 并点击 Integration。3. 输入您的名称、邮箱地址和邮箱密码,检查邮箱服务器配置(IMAP/SMTP),确认无误后,点击 Save and Connect 完成集成。若遇到绑定失败,请生成专用密码当您遇到“密码不正确”或“邮箱绑定失败”的提示时,通常是因为集成腾讯企业邮箱需要使用专用密码来进行集成操作。为了解决这一问题,请您按照以下步骤来生成一个专用密码,并再次尝试集成您的企业邮箱:1. 登录您的腾讯企业邮箱账户。2. 进入“设置” ,开启安全登录。3. 开启后,找到并点击“生成专用密码”,按照页面指示完成操作。4. 复制新生成的客户端密码。5. 请将客户端密码粘贴到Email authorization code / password处,点击 Save and Connect 完成集成您的企业邮箱。6. 成功集成腾讯企业邮箱后,您可以直接在Willdesk收件箱中管理邮件。注意事项:密码更改会导致集成失效。如更改邮箱密码,请重复以上步骤进行集成。
How to integrate Zoho enterprise to you Willdesk inbox?
A: Go to Settings-Mail accounts-click "IMAP". Enable "IMAP Access" and click "Save".B: Go to the App Store -> Email -> Add Email and Choose Zoho Enterprise Mailbox-Input the name/email address/email password-Click Connect.C: Your Zoho Enterprise address is successfully integrated into the Willdesk. You can manage your email message inside Willdesk inbox.PS: If it can be sent and received normally, there is no need to perform the next steps ;If you are prompted that the account password is incorrect or the status shows "Failed", you need to verify your Zoho Enterprise account and generate App-password. Please refer to the following steps to re-integrate: ATTENTION:If you change your email password, email integration will be failed. Please follow the above steps to integrate again!Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to Integrate Microsoft 365 / Outlook Email?
📧 🚀Four Simple steps to complete Microsoft 365 / Outlook email integration: Step 1: 👉🔧Please kindly check the screenshots below and follow the path:App Store → Add an Email → Choose Microsoft "Authorization", and then log in to your email account (If your account is from a Microsoft partner, after entering your account, the login page will automatically jump to the partner login page.) Step 2. 👉🔧If your account is from GoDaddy or other Microsoft partners, please log in to your admin account and make sure to open SMTP. Please refer to Microsoft 365 official documentation to enable SMTP, If you log in to your admin account in GoDaddy (, you can click Advanced Settings and turn on SMTP Authentication. Verification will take a moment, please kindly wait for the verification to complete.Step 3: 👌🔌 Click "Edit" to complete the setting and click "Save and Connect".Step 4: 🎉✉️Verify the integration and start enjoying the seamless email experience. Remark: If you fail to log in to your email account in step 1, please click"Can't access your account?" and try again. Thank you!Get ready to streamline your communication! 💬💡If there is any problem, please do not hesitate to contact us! Thank you very much! 😊 
How can I create a new email in Willdesk?
We support sending emails directly in Willdesk! To create a new email, please kindly check the following information for your reference:Click "New Conversation" → Fill in email addresses → Complete email subject and contents → Click "Send".Additional information:Email sender “From: ": You can select one of your integrated emails to send it.Email receiver ”To: “: You can type in the receiver's email address. If you are answering a customer, our system will automatically match your customer address in this part.Email copy ”CC: ": You can type in the copy email address and click "enter" to confirm, so that you can copy this email to all members related.To enrich email content, you can refer to the bottom left of the email, where you can add Macros, send FAQs, add emojis and images, attach files, add Shopify products, and add links. Kindly check the screenshot below for your reference.In addition, you can click "" on the top right of the input box to expand or collapse email styles.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you!