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How to Set Up an Email Auto-Reply Rule in Willdesk?
This guide walks you through creating an email auto-reply rule in Willdesk. Follow the steps below:1. Step 1: Please go to Automation → Automation rule → Browse templates.2. Step 2: Choose Email auto-reply template.3. Step 3: Give your rule a clear and descriptive name.4. Step 4: Set the Trigger Condition. Choose the condition When Customer starts a new conversation5. Stpe 5: Add a condition: If Email channel is [email protected] (one of your integrated email addresses).6. Step 6: If you have multiple integrated email addresses, add another condition:Use "or" to add: Email channel is [email protected]: Avoid using "and" unless you want the rule to apply only when both conditions are met.7. Step 7: Select the action Send email message.8. Step 8: Click Set email template to personalize your auto-reply email.9. Step 9: We have template as reference but you can also stylish your email content.10. Step 10: Click Save to finalize your rule.Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to use Automation rule to manage spam in Willdesk?
Willdesk makes it easy to connect your existing email accounts, allowing you to manage conversations seamlessly without the need to create new addresses. To handle spam efficiently, we offer two solutions:Solution 1: Manage Spam During Email Integration1. Step 1: Please go to App store > Email.2. Step 2: Choose your email provider and click Integration start your integration process.3. Step 3: When integrating your email, you can choose not to select the spam option during the initial Email access settings.Solution 2: Use Automation Rules for Spam ManagementFor more flexibility, you can create automation rules to handle spam emails effectively:1. Step 1: Please go to Automation > Automation rule > Template > Spam filter2. Step 2: Give the rule a name for easy identification.3. Step 3: Add a condition: Select "Incoming email address", then choose "Contains" and enter "noreply", or select "Is" and input the specific email address you want to block.4. Step 4: Add additional conditions if needed. For example, if "Incoming message content" contains specific words (e.g., "XX"), you can mark those emails as spam.5. Step 5: Select the action Mark as spam.6. You can review all spam emails by going to Inbox > Spam List.Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to close tickets automatically?
1. Step 1: Please go to Automation → Automation rule→ Browse tamplates → Conversation auto-closing.2. Step 2: Please set up a specific time for customer non-response time.3. Step 3: And add condition to choose messages channels if you need.Once you save the settings, the auto-closing rule will be active, and apply the rule to new conversations. If you have any questions, please let us know. Thank you!
How to set an automation rule to identify refunds?
You can use our template or customize your own refund rule to identify refunded conversations and quickly assign them to team, marking them as urgent and tagging them, which will reduce your losses and improve efficiency.1. Step 1: Please go to Automation → Automation rule→ Browse tamplates → Identifying and tagging refunded conversations2. Step 2: Edit the keywords you want the system to identify, then select the tag you want to add for this type of message.
How to set up automatic replies according to message keywords?
What are the advantages of automatic replies according to message keywords?🤖 Automatic replies based on keywords in a user's message offer several advantages:1. Improved Customer Service: It enables quick responses to inquiries, ensuring customers receive timely assistance and information.2. Efficiency: By automating responses, it reduces the workload on customer support teams, allowing them to focus on more complex issues.3. Personalization: By analyzing keywords, the system can tailor responses to the specific needs or questions of each user, creating a more personalized experience.4. 24/7 Availability: With automated responses, users can receive instant replies at any time of the day, even outside of regular office hours.5. Cost-effective: Automating replies can help businesses save time and resources that would otherwise be spent on manual responses.Overall, leveraging automatic replies based on keywords can lead to increased customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and a more seamless user experience.How to set up automatic replies according to the keywords in the user's message?Step 1: Please go to Automation → Workflow → Browse templates, and use the template of Autoresponder bots based on keywordsStep 2: Customize the keywords based on your needs. You can type the keywords directly and click "Enter" to input the text. Please Step 3: Continue the flow. You can click the Message content block to raise the setting window on the right side of the page, then you can edit your answers directly.Step 4: After finishing the setting, you can edit the title of the flow and click "Create Flow" to activate automatic replies according to the keywords in the user's message.Notes: 1. It is supported to add emojis, pictures, attachments, hyperlinks, Shopify products and FAQs via tools in the box.2. It is supported to click "+" to add buttons to set up reply buttons, redirect to a page, start over and customer support, so that you can provide more interactivity for customers.3. If any reply buttons are added, you can continue to click "+" to add the next workflow, add conditions and actions to better meet your needs.
How to set up Automation to support customers in selecting a specific team?
To support assignments to different teams based on message keywords, we can combine building workflow and automation rules to support customers in selecting a specific team. As a result, when customers start a conversation and ask for a specific team, the ticket will be assigned to the team automatically, which will effectively optimize the workflow of your different teams to handle with different customer issues.Please kindly check the following steps to set up your automation:Step 1: Choose a workflow template and click a delete icon to remove block & children.Step 2: Click "+" and "Message content"Step 3: Click the block and edit the text in the setting window at the right side of the page, and click "Save" when you are done. Step 4: You can edit the workflow name and then make sure you click "Create Flow" to save the settings. Step 5: Add rules to achieve when incoming messages is "Team *", then assign to team "Team *". Please make sure to click "Save change". With all the settings done, it will work automatically to assign tickets to a specific team as long as your customers choose one. Please contact us if you have any questions, thank you!
How to build a workflow to customize a pre-chat survey?
By collecting additional information about customers, pre-chat surveys not only create opportunities for personalized service, but also help you allocate the right resources to resolve customer queries more effectively.Although we provide a solid Pre-chat survey in Live Chat, (For more details, please refer to this link: How to collect the visitor's name and information? ),  some customers need to customize data collection to provide personalized assistance. Therefore, we developed an Automation feature to build a workflow bot to customize data collection.How to build a flow to customize collecting data?1. Step 1: Automation → Workflow → Browse templates→ Choose your template2. Step 2: Click the delete icon in the first block and "Remove Block&Children"3. Step 3: Click "+" and choose "Collect data"4. Step 4: Click the block and customize the content in the settings window at the right side of the page. All items are editable. Please kindly click "+" and "collect data" to add more values based on your needs. After you have done the setting, please click "Save" at the right bottom of the page. Thank you!5. Step 5: Please feel free to edit the workflow name at the top left blank. Please make sure to click "Create Flow" at the top right of the page to activate the flow. Thanks!Please kindly check the below video for your reference, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Willdesk team. Thank you!
After-sales Order Flows instructions
Ⅰ. How to enable After-sales Order flow settings?1. Step 1: In Willdesk dashboard, please go to App Store -> All Apps -> Live chat.2. Step 2: In the Visibility section-> Other blocks, you can enable "After-sales Order Self-service". 3. Step 3: You can also enable the "After-Sales Order Self-Service" in Help Center tracking. Click Edit.4. Step 4: Enable the Track and manage order button on your Help Center page.5. Once the "Track and Manage Order" setting is enabled in the Help Center, a corresponding button will appear on the Help Center page. Clicking it opens the live chat widget.Ⅱ. How does After-sales Order flow work?1. Customers can view and edit orders, i.e. cancel, return/refund order, collect order issue. When they click the widget button, they will be prompted to verify their email code.2. After the customer verifies their email code, their order list will be displayed. You need to create the corresponding order flow so customers can make the appropriate order changes.3. If the customer click the Parcel Panel Return link, it will redirect to the Parcel Panel return center and automatically help the customer with return process.Ⅲ. New Order flow templates for After-sales Order flow1. Return orderAllow customers to initiate a return upon order delivery if the certain conditions are met.It supports Parcel Panel Returns Integration or custom return link. 2. Cancel orderAllow customers to request a cancellation if an order hasn't been processed or shipped.3. Report order issueCustomize scenarios and the corresponding options customers can select when reporting order issues.Ⅳ. New triggers1. Order cancel, it will trigger by order cancel event.2. Order return, it will trigger by order return event.3. Order flow, it will trigger by order flow event.Ⅴ. New trigger conditions settings1. Available stores, you can select "all shops" or a " specific shop".2. Order status, you can combine these trigger with its related order status.3. Order created time, you can combine these trigger with its related order created time.4. Order delivered, you can combine these trigger with its related order delivered time.PS: All above four conditions can be combined with the trigger condition.Ⅵ. New actions1. Report order issueThe "Report order issue" is for Reason collection, customers can select a single choice reason here. And these reasons are not editable.2. Order returnIt supports two types of integration. First, Parcel Panel Returns. In order to use this, you need integrate Parcel Panel Returns.Second, custom integration links. This allows for more flexible, tailored integrations through custom links.Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to Setup Workflow bot In Willdesk?
What is a workflow bot?A workflow bot is a type of chatbot that is designed to automate and streamline business process. The workflow bot feature comprises of three main parts: Automation rules, Workflow, and Bot setting.How to set up an automated workflow?1. Please go to the Automation section and select Workflow.2. Click on Browse Templates to view additional workflow templates that you can use as reference.3. Select a template under General Flows or Order Flow to create your workflow.Guidance Overview:Let us build up one FAQ for Online Store template here for example to provide answers to Frequently Asked Questions and 24/7 customer support. In order to make this practice properly, we can start customizing a popup message by following the steps.Step 1: Click a block, and there will be a setting window on the right side.Step 2: Customize the Pop-up Message contents and select Reply type according to your own decision, like nothing to reply after clicking, Message text to contact online agents using our provided sample buttons, or creating your own button actions to make further interactions with your users.Step 3: Click the blue Save button and proceed with your further actions by clicking the plus icon "+" for the rest steps.Step 4: You can also set up the precise action during the process of workflow, by creating a Redirect Button and selecting related functions appearing after operating. In this way, users can access precise pages or functions, like Help Center and Order Tracking, etc.Step 5: If you would like to create a workflow related with product pages, you can also right click the uploaded images and insert related links, so that visitors can access website pages accordingly.Step 6: After finishing all steps in your current workflow, click blue button "Create Flow" and it will be applied immediately on your website.Step 7: After finishing the content of Template setup, you can access My flows to see the templates created successfully. By clicking Edit icon or Delete icon, you can do the manage individually here also.Step 8: Once visitors access your website related pages or contents, there will be a pop up workbot window occurring and visitors can click related icons or buttons to fetch the information needed accordingly.Precautions:1. If a visitor accesses your website page via Chatbot, the whole chat record will occur in the column of Chatbot under Conversations in the Inbox section, kindly note it, please.2. Only under one circumstance will the Chatbot-related message appear in normal Chatboxes: If users write or send a new message in the same Chat forfurther inquiry, this Chatbot message will be transferred from the Chatbot column to All Chats aspect immediately and online agents need to handle it as usual.Bot settingHere you can upload avatar of Bot displaying in your Chat Widget content and customize the displayed name accordingly. Note:Only when you are under Paid Plans will have the permission to edit this section.If you still encounter further issues while using this feature, please do not hesitate to contact us via Chat and we will help and support you here with the best meanwhile. Your feedback and shared issues will be a great improvement on our APP end as well!
What are the different types of abandoned cart triggers in Willdesk and how do they work?
Willdesk offers powerful workflow automation features, designed to optimize your customer service and sales processes. However, the use of templates and workflow triggers varies depending on your user plan. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the template access restrictions and trigger logic for different user plans, as well as how to set up order-related workflows for your store.Template Access for Different User PlansFree Users: Free users are unable to use templates, and since creating a new workflow requires selecting a template, free users cannot create new workflows.Old Paid Plan Users (2023 $9.9 Promotional Plan): Users on older paid plans can access a limited set of templates.New Plan Users: Users on the latest plans have full access to all templates, unlocking the full potential of Willdesk’s automation features. Types of Abandoned Cart TriggersWilldesk provides several types of abandoned cart triggers to help you engage customers and recover potential sales. These triggers only work with Shopify-integrated stores.1. Abandoned Purchase Trigger Preconditions: The user must be logged in, and the store must be in an authorized state. Only available for Shopify stores with a “success” status. 2. Browse AbandonedMeaning: The user browsed a product but did not add it to the cart or proceed to checkout.Trigger Details: A separate workflow is created for each product type. If the product is added to the cart, the workflow won’t trigger. The countdown resets if the same product is browsed multiple times. Execution time is set to one hour after the last product view.Countdown: 1 hour 3. Cart AbandonedMeaning: The user added a product to the cart but did not proceed to checkout.Trigger Details: Similar to Browse Abandoned, but for carted products. Each workflow is tied to the product’s SPU. The countdown resets if the same SPU is added to the cart multiple times. Execution occurs one hour after the last addition to the cart.Countdown: 1 hour4. Checkout AbandonedMeaning: The user started the checkout process but did not complete payment.Trigger Details: A checkout abandoned workflow is created separately for each product based on the product type. When the workflow is executed, it checks whether the order was completed. If the order was not completed, the workflow will be executed.Countdown: 1 hour 5. Product Removed from CartMeaning: The user removed a product from the cart.Trigger Details: This trigger is immediate and does not require a countdown.For all abandoned cart triggers, note that each trigger can only activate a pop-up once within an hour. If a pop-up was already triggered within the past hour, the workflow will skip the pop-up but continue with the rest of the processes.
How to set auto-assignment team rules?
Automatic assignment rules can be set up based on the established teams.1. Step 1: Please go to Automation→Automation rule2. Step 2: Click Add Rule Now or choose Browse Templates to view existing templates for reference.3. Step 3: Select Conversation group assignment, and click Use template.4. Step 4: Give your rule a convenient name for easy identification.5. Step 5: Add condition. Select a store URL/Email address, which will take effect according to the team. (PS: You may read Related email integration/multi-store integration articles and complete integration)Note: When adding multiple conditions, remember they operate on an OR basis rather than AND. If using AND, all conditions must be met for the rule to take effect.6. Step 6: Select a team you want the inquiry from regarding email/store to be assigned. 7. Step 7: Click "save changes". 8. You may check your new rule and status in Automation rules.Notes:Separate teams were completed based on distinguished rules. Messages from your different emails/stores will be assigned to the different teams according to your rules.Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to allow customers to choose a team or a teammate to take care of their concerns?
What are the advantages of allowing customers to choose a specific team or a teammate to take care of their concerns?👍 There are several advantages:1. Personalized Service: Customers feel more valued when they can select a familiar team member who understands their history and preferences.2. Increased Trust: Building a relationship with a particular team or teammate can foster trust and loyalty over time.3. Customized Solutions: Specific teams or teammates can provide more tailored and effective solutions to address customers' concerns properly.Overall, giving customers the option to choose a team or teammate to handle their concerns can lead to stronger relationships, improved customer satisfaction, and a more personalized and efficient customer experience.How to allow customers to choose a team or a teammate to take care of their concerns?Step 1: Use the template of Triage button and assign to different teamsStep 2: Click the block to raise the settings page, you can edit the text directly to customize your service types. If you need more, please click "+" and choose [Reply buttons] to have more blanks to edit.Step 3: Continue the flow and sign conversations to a specific team or teammate. In addition, it's supported to add tags for the conversations, so that you can better identify and manage your conversations.Step 4: You can pre-set some commonly asked questions or a customized speech to enrich your workflow. Step 5: After finishing settings, you can edit the title of this flow and click [Create Flow] to activate the workflow. With this setting, when a customer opens a new conversation, it is assigned according to the type selected by the user, and the issue information can be collected synchronously by adding the tag. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Willdesk live chat support for further assistance. Thank you!