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Team Management
Team Management
How to only receive messages notifications from my own team?
• If the below button is enabled, you are able to receive message pop-ups and sound notifications for all conversations.                                                                                                                                                                                                     PS: if you are assigned to a single or several teams only, but not all teams. You can only receive message notifications from your own team even if the below button is enabled. • If the below button is enabled, you will only receive message pop-ups and sound notifications for conversations that are assigned to your own team.How to Find the Settings Page? =>Click the Workspace Icon -> Settings. Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to manage team members?
Invite team memberPlease go to the Workspace Icon -> Invite People to Willdesk.     ▷ Insert the email address of the team members you want to invite.  ▷ Choose "Agent" or "Admin" access for your team members.       (PS: "Agent" only have access to the inbox tab, while "Admin" own access to the settings tab)  ▷Select a team for your team members.      All conversations: Your team member will be included in every team and are able to receive any messages.      Conversations assigned to their teams only: Your team member will be assigned to regarding teams and can only receive the messages assigned to her/his team.▷Click "Invite team members".    An invitation is sent successfully. Your team member can check their email inboxes, receive invitations, and be team members of yours.Other Method to Invite Team MemberPlease go to the Workspace Icon -> Click Settings. ▷Select Team Member-> Invite Team MemberRemove team memberPlease kindly go to Settings ->Team members and click the "delete" icon to remove the regarding team members. Change teams or access for a team memberPlease kindly go to Settings ->Team members and click the "edit" icon, you can change the teams or access allowed for the team member.     Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to create teams?
When a team member is invited, he/she will be assigned to the existing team(s) or a newly created team. If you want to create new teams and manage team members, please follow the below guidance:Find the Workspace Icon -> Choose Settings. • On the Settings ->Teams -> click New Team to create teams.• Think of a distinguished name for your team;  Choose a sticker for the team;  Click "+" to choose team members for the team. • Click Save change and a new team is created successfully.Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!
How to manage inbox views?
Inbox View-With this updates, you can now view conversations within your team's specific channel and teammates, making it easier to manage your customer support efficiently.Based on the teams' situation set up for Agents, they can take the following guidelines to manage their Inbox views more clearly.▷Inbox view will only diaplay the Team/Channel/Teammates information that belongs to your team.   PS: The numbers displayed are the tickets in open status. ▷You can decide to pin (or not) the integrated chat/email/Facebook Messenger channel in your own inbox view. ▷You can decide to pin (or not) your teammates in your own inbox view,  which is easier for you to check your teammates's inbox. Not satisfied with this page? please contact us for more customizations!