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How can I connect the Willdesk to Instagram?
How can I connect the Willdesk to Instagram?

Once you integrate Willdesk with Instagram, Willdesk can receive direct messages and messages mentioning you from Instagram! Please kindly check the following steps to connect Willdesk to Instagram:

1. Step 1: To connect Willdesk to Instagram, please kindly make sure your account is a professional Instagram accountIf it is a personal account, please click More ->Settings->Switch to professional account.

2. Step 2: Please kindly find Linked Accounts in your Facebook Settings.

3. Step 3: Click Connect Account in Instagram.

4. Step 4:  Please kindly go to Willdesk Setting page, click Messenger/Instagram, and then click Connect to Facebook.

5. Step 5: Before integrating Instagram you need to integrate the corresponding Facebook Fanpage.

6. Step 6: Click Edit previous settings, choose the page you want Willdesk to access.

7. Step 7: choose the instagram Accounts you want Willdesk to access.

8. Step 8:  Please continue to authorize the integration of the professional Instagram account under a certain topic page. After integration is authorized, the page will display the associated Instagram name✨🚀

📺 Kindly take a moment to watch the video below for your reference:

With Willdesk's seamless integration with Instagram, you can effortlessly manage your messages across platforms, to ensure quick and efficient customer interactions! Let us know if there's any question. Thank you! 🤗

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