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What are the WhatsApp charging rules?
What are the WhatsApp charging rules?

Valid conversations definition:

WhatsApp charges are based on the 24-hour valid conversation officially defined by Meta, the official policy as follows:

  • Conversation validity time: Messages replied by C-end within 24 hours as of now. A new template is required to initiate a conversation after more than 24 hours.
  • Validity time of Templates in conversation: 24 hours. The time starts from when the user receives the template. Templates of the same type can still be sent for FREE within 24 hours

1. Regarding Monthly user charges:

WhatsApp conversations: You can purchase Add-on WhatsApp charges $10 per 50 conversations in the billing page, and each WhatsApp conversation is US$0.2; the fee is based on the usage of the conversation quota and is deducted incrementally.

2. Regarding Annual user charges:

Annual paying users: You can click the Add-on purchases Whatsapp Conversations button to enter the one-time conversation purchase portal of WhatsApp, and select an amount to purchase. Users of the annual subscription package can purchase WhatsApp credits based on actual conditions.

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